Permission, forgiveness and workplace adulting

The amazing Grace Hopper once said “it’s better to get forgiveness than permission”. 

And I’ve seen plenty of leaders try to cultivate this philosophy among their teams - often feeling frustrated and wanting them to just crack on with what needs to be done instead of seeking permission and waiting for approval. And I feel it’s an admirable ambition in big bureaucracies with traditions of defensive permission-seeking (aka ass-covering).

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Recalibrate your approach to strategic risks to achieve your goals

There’s a default assumption in much of the public sector that risks should be prevented or eliminated wherever possible.

The management of this risk through compliance and rules and enforcement is hard wired into how these organisations work and usually imposes a heavy administrative burden - sometimes costing more than the risks themselves would, had they materialised.

And as much as a compliance mindset for risk management needed and prudent and responsible - it crowds out thinking about other types of risk.

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Audree FletcherComment
Want to lead? Do less.

Leaders don’t do everything. If you take everything on, you're not going to be leading, you're going to be swept along with current (or back-to-back Teams calls).

Here’s what you need to learn to do to get out of that trap.

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Audree FletcherComment
Walking the talk on lifting up the women around you

It’s not uncommon for companies to have a relatively solid gender split at whole-company level but a steady decline in the % of women in leadership positions as you work your way up the ladder to board level, where the ratio can be downright embarrassing.

Women aren’t getting the opportunities they need to build their profile.

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Audree FletcherComment
Organisational self-sabotage: name it to tame it

80 years after the Simple Sabotage Field Manual was published by the predecessor to the CIA, these self-sabotaging behaviours are still alive and well in the modern workplace. 
But calling out these behaviours - naming them as a form of sabotage undermining the organisation’s ability to deliver - is the first step in addressing them.

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Audree FletcherComment
Letter to my future bosses

[From Feb 2022] I’m gently and quietly looking for my next role among the wealth of opportunities generated by “The Great Resignation”. But so many of the organisations I’ve looked at clearly have a long way to go on gender and race equality, judging by the make-up of their top teams.

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